Rhys Jeremiah

Mid-Cheshire 5k 2022

Entering the Mid-Cheshire Summer 5k was a step out of my comfort zone. This would be my first real 5k road race.

My usual obstacle-filled trail races would be a far cry from this fast-paced, tarmac-pounding, RUNNING race!

I did not know what to expect, but knowing other members of the
Vorsprung family had run the spring edition of this race earlier this year, it gave me a chance to gleam and learn from their experiences. Learning that this was a very course, with hundreds of runners all vying for the quickest time possible was valuable and, actually, very helpful information.

Comparing this to my normal longer OCR races, it quickly became clear, that, I would be surrounded by other runners of similar pace. This filled me with confidence, that, I would put in a good showing. I had to go there and run my race though. A race-plan was set knowing, that, there would be others around running similar times. I would not be lonely or in no-mans land. I would be able to feed off, others if required.

The drive to the race gave us all time to think and prepare our minds for the race. To be honest, I was going there in the right mood, in the right frame of mind and on-the-back of a really good training block. I was there to race, not against anyone else, but, to put in the best performance, that, I could and set a real benchmark.

As expected, the race was busy, and the start line packed. We went-off and I soon settled into a rhythm. Lots of runners passing and being passed, but it was a no brainer – I was to stick to my race-plan and not get caught up with others! The first kilometre came and went, then the second, and before I knew it we were half-way through the race. Glancing at my watch, I was very close to the intended race-pace, but knew I had to replicate this in the second half.

Thinking back to the training and the coaching, hearing Vranek sub-consciously, I knew this was about form.

Keep the form, use the form and the pace will take care of itself.

This is what I set about doing, and coming into the final kilometre, I knew if I could hold-on to this pace, I was on for a good time.

Crossing the line in 17:38s, in a new personal best was amazing. But, the real win was completing this race and knowing, that, the hours of training with Vorsprung is what made this happen. The race maybe run solo, but, it is one big team effort to get everyone to that start-line in the right mindset.

Thank you Run-Cheshire for a fantastic event. This will not be a one-time thing for me. I will be back again and thank you to Vorsprung, Vranek and all involved for the training, the confidence and the knowledge – the future is bright, the future is Vorsprung!

Text © Rhys Jeremiah September 2022.

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