Edward Land

Mid-Cheshire 5k 2022

Mid-Cheshire 5k.


Struggling with a niggling back injury and associated knee injury, I didn’t have the best lead-up to the spring issue of the Mid Cheshire 5K!

Despite this, I managed to run a personal best time.

The time itself is irrelevant: it’s a mere marker and a step along the way to greater things on my
Vorsprung journey.

But it came at a cost. My knee was done. I was unable to train. Certainly, no speed work! Throw-in some Covid and the following ten weeks were a misery under-achieving. It’s safe to say, that, I veered-off the path somewhat. Losing my inner Vorsprung, when It was most important and relevant. I’m not talking about the sessions, but the state if mind

As I slowly re-grouped, my times dropped and I was nearing where I was around the spring race, the summer edition of the race was looming. I did what I know I shouldn’t: I put pressure on myself. I NEEDED to get back to where I was!

I knew this was a mistake, and not at all
Vorsprung. So, I spoke to Vranek on the week leading-up to the race. He re-aligned me and delivered a race plan!

I ignored all other factors, other than those I needed to focus on. All the stars aligned and BOOM! It happened! A personal best!

As much as I love PB's, this was not the ‘take home’. I was back in the game! I was back to
Vorsprung! And I’m back to stay!

I’m going into each session with a different mindset now. It just feels different!

Bring-on winter training and bring-on 2023! I’m hungry for it.

And Vranek… I salute you!

Text © Edward Land 2022.

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