Nathan Robertshaw

Aberystwyth Parkrun February 2023

V - Nathan Aber PK (2023) 2
© Amanda Mallows February 2023.

Since Vranek started coaching me in September 2022. I have noticed a massive improvement to my running technique.

Through the Vorsprung neuro drills & Vorsprung gym sessions, he has shown me how to gain strength, balance and co-ordination.

He explains things well and I have learnt a lot about how things work. He has inspired me and changed how I think about running: making me realise how counter-intuitive feeling relaxed makes you run faster and easier.

is not just about exercise, but, improving all aspects of life. I have noticed improvements to my general ability to focus on tasks, such as studying. I have learnt, that, running is a lot about your mind-set and how you focus your energy. Improving this has helped all aspects of my life. I can think clearer and organise myself better.

I am applying similar techniques, that, we do in
Vorsprung training sessions to help cope with OCD and CPTSD: allowing me to take control over my thoughts, by getting into a more relaxed state-of-mind. Doing the Vorsprung neuro drills and having a routine before going to bed is, also, helping me to sleep better.

I definitely feel more confident, and am very grateful to Vranek for supporting me with swimming. When I first started swimming, I was really afraid to go and now I am much less afraid; it has become part of my routine. His suggestion of pool-running, when I was injured, was something I would have not considered myself. Allowing me to keep training and get stronger whilst injured.

Moreover, I have learnt how important the Vorsprung gym sessions are to becoming a faster runner.

Not only has Vranek helped me with all this, but, he cares a lot and is always there to support me and help wherever he can. He makes me feel special and great even though I am not, yet, particularly fast.

Vranek is a great friend and a role model. I look forward to continuing my work, improving, with him and

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