Nathan Robertshaw

Vorsprung's Impact

V - Nathan Aber PK (2023) 2
© Amanda Mallows February 2023.

Vorsprung has definitely improved my life. The way I think. Plus, my running technique, knowledge and confidence is so much better.

I probably won't describe this nowhere near as well as I want to, but, Vranek helped me in so many other ways too. My whole life was / is so much better, now. I know how to approach problems and issues and day-to-day tasks better.

My mental health improved massively.

It's like a ripple effect, that, Vranek describes. How people don't realise ways in which he and Vorsprung have helped them, because they might seem totally unrelated even though they are so much related.

Vranek made me feel very welcome instantly and he was always trying to help. I felt safe and comfortable with him, which is a feeling I miss definitely it's something I haven't really had much of.

I think a lot more people probably, or would, appreciate Vorsprung and Vranek’s help.

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