Basics: Paediatric Exercise

Looking After The Future

Children mature at differing rates. The teacher / coach should not be comparing age with age or even dividing children within age brackets.

However, a base-line in physiological development would be:

• 11 - 15 years old children should only be performing one-third,
that, of which an adult would. This includes, repetitions, sets,
whether in gym or in the sports specific environment.

• 16 - 18 years old children should only be performing two-thirds or
half, that, of what an adult would.

Before working with children, one must define ‘training’.

Children should
not be ‘training’. ‘Training’ is not the same as regular physical activity. ‘Training’ is a special category of physical activity, above normal levels.(i)

However, what Vorsprung offers is neuro-dynamic, motor skills and proprioceptive development, that, do not interfere with the child's natural maturation process.

(i) Neil Armstrong

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