
"Luke thoroughly enjoyed his stay, and the training that he got with you [at the Vorsprung Training Camp]. He loved the independence of making new friends, and being with your family, and not having me breathing down his neck all the time. I love the way that you don't push or bully, and Luke was really happy to join in all the activities - working on a physical level that he hadn't managed since he was very young. His hypermobility began to cause him some discomfort, and experiences at school impacted on his running and exercise confidence in a very negative way, and it was all I could do for the past few years to get him to come on a walk or short cycle ride. But I'm really happy that your Camp worked some sort of magic on Luke's confidence levels, and ever since he has been running, not walking, to our playground and racing his friends, even the really speedy ones. He has also discovered the joys of BMX cycling - confidently cycling round our local pump track, for hours, building his fitness and changing his body-shape. I think, at age 11, nearly 12, Luke was the perfect age for your Camp, and it has completely changed his attitude to exercise, and what fun it can be." Anni (Luke's Mum).

'Balance' by A. Vranek © 2020.

Vorsprung is the magic, that, everyone else ignores.

We want to make a direct connexion with the people we want to help. Our aim is to show how we all can balance our life's expectations and demands.
Vorsprung is trying to balance a life-style with an exercise programme; a philosophical practice; well-being; with our desire to helping people improve.

Balance for
Vorsprung is sharing. We want to share our work, our influences and our knowledge.

Balance is, also, the balance between what others say about their experience practicing
Vorsprung, and what we think about other people and how they influence Vorsprung.

This Is Vorsprung

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