6 Pillars of Vorsprung Gym Sessions.

6 Pillars of Vorsprung Gym Sessions.

1. Title:

Vorsprung Combined 1066'.

Vorsprung' indicates, that, it is an approved, thoroughly researched, field-tested and cross-examined by a variety or peers in a variety of medical, research or clinical practices.

'Combined' tells you the type of the session.

10' refers to the number of repetitions for each exercise. This can be adjusted for beginners or people going through rehab., to 7 or 4. It can also, be adjusted for 'drop-sets'.

6' refers to the number of sets within any one session.

6' refers to the number of exercises within one set.

2. Right-Angles:

Always be aware of keeping joints in a right-angle.

For example, when moving into a squat, make sure to get the fully impact of the exercise by having the upper and lower legs at a right-angle.

Same applies elbows when exercising the shoulders.

The added advantages of this, is going to be less movement of joints and limbs (e.g. elbows), that, are not being actively exercised, which, in-turn, means less stress and 'wear and tear'.

Plus, in the instance of the shoulder exercises, the wrists, fore-arms, elbow joint and upper-arm muscles will all be getting a low impact , static work-out, just as effective.

3. Locking:

Never 'lock' joints.

Notably, the knees, and the elbows.

In not 'locking' the joints you create more of an 'exercise', as well as less stress and tension on the whole limb.

4. Noise:

The noise of impact on the floor is a good indicator and diagnostic.

Weak hips a so prevalent in most people, that, it should be 'the' focus of attention in any exercise routine.

Observe the noise of landing of feet when performing Squat-Thrusts, Forward-Lunges and Reverse-Lunges.

Weak hips, doesn't allow control of the foot-fall.

5. Load:

'Load' can be the exercise weight you are using to aid performance of an exercise, or the amount of natural downward force.

Vorsprung is not a 'boot camp', obsessed with over-loading and breaking the body in a pool of sweat. It has a responsibility to safe-guard the participant and reduce unnecessary demands on NHS resources.

People will, often, over-estimate their loading capabilities. As the teacher, you must dictate the weight of the object for them.

If people are using the momentum of their body to move the weight around, the weight is too heavy.

Hips and pelvis should be the key to securing and isolating the movement of the upper-body.

The teacher should 'embody' the experience, as much as the participant. The teacher needs to be moving around the participant to view from all angles to truly observe proper and safe execution of the exercise [in the instance of an online session, the coach needs to 'set' the participant in the correct position prior to each exercise to properly observe the best angle for each exercise].

6: Slow:

All exercises should be performed slowly.

To increase difficulty, refrain from adding to the load or repetitions or sets, simply perform the exercise even slower.

Doing so improves strength and endurance, whilst lessening the risk of damage.

© The Vorsprung Project 2020.

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