15. Exploring: Learning

15. Exploring: Learning

How we learn and how we teach and how we encourage learning within Vorsprung is a little different from most other processes.

To some extent, teach by example and leading. Additionally, each participant must lead parts of exercise classes or coaching sessions to fully appreciate, understand and embed the knowledge.

Participants learn by following instructions, but, also by copying and noticing changes in their movements. Understanding, within themselves, the parametres of correct and incorrect, which becomes their guide.

We encourage participants to be involved, not stand-on-the-edges and simply receive and enact upon instructions.

John Lennon said of his iconic song 'Imagine': "
Most people are choked-to-death by concepts and ideas, that, they carry around with them. Usually, not their own. Usually, their parents’ and society’s. And those are the possessions you’ve got to get rid of. It has absolutely nothing to do with physical possessions."

The song 'Imagine' is not about physical possessions. It is such a misconception - when people hear those immortal lines '
imagine no possessions'…

Similarly, we over-burden ourselves with 'how' and 'why' and 'what' to learn. At
Vorsprung, we encourage people to enter it blindly. Having left the baggage at the door: dismiss all, that, you have learnt before; all the bad habits; all the myriad of ideas; schooling; and training.

We change 'how' people learn. We explain 'why' people should learn. We challenge 'what' people should learn.

© The Vorsprung Project 2022.

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