'The Vorsprung 10/10 Warm-Up' has become a staple for all Vorsprung movement sessions, over the decades. It is the 'face or Vorsprung'. The 'flagship' movement drill of
It is a complex in its own right, within Vorsprung, which is a complex itself.
The '10/10' is called a 'warm-up', but, in truth it is much more. Within Vorsprung, we don't recognise the conventional 'warm-up' methodology to begin with.
Humans are warm-blooded animals - we don't need 'warming-up'! Even if we haven't been at work all day or active through-out the day before a training or exercise session, we wake-up in the morning to do a work-out first thing - we are STILL warm-blooded animals, in the morning!
We would prefer to call it a 'warn-up'. But, that phrase is never going to catch-on! However, this is how we should frame it in our education. We should be 'warning' the body of exercises to follow. Once we have this in mind, we can now see how best to 'warn' our bodies of the movement necessary to provide the best mobility and protection needed for each exercise or sport that follows.
The '10/10' has been designed to take-in all aspects of all sports and exercise routines. During the twenty minute work-out you will be preparing your body for every possible movement.
Additionally, the '10/10' is used as a rehabilitation routine, an entry-level routine for people hoping to join a Vorsprung group, and as a key treatment for symptoms associated with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, Aspergers, ADHA, depression, balance and co-ordinance issues, Asthma, time and anger-management and much more.
It is far more demanding to new-comings, than it might seem from the outside. Not, merely, physical but, the nature of its design means the participant is challenging upper and lower body communications and co-ordination: left and right balance. Challenging the breathing, sight and hearing too.
However, it is not simply 'warning' one of the physical activities to follow. It sets-up a series of new / enhanced neuro-dynamic, neuro-transmission pathways. In doing this, reducing symptoms related to the above conditions. But, also, preparing ('warning') the individual of a way to 'be'. It is truly representative of the Vorsprung practice. Once you have mastered the '10/10' you will be better prepared to execute and understand other aspects of Vorsprung.
The '10/10' prepares people for activity. Not all the movements will be represented in the activity that follows. But, it is training the individual to embrace the inner as well as the outer being of themselves. It is not, either, a stand-alone session. To truly benefit from it, the individual must take it with them into other actives and every-day life: not always as the physical, but as a diversion.
Each movement can act as a diversion from what you are actually doing, making that activity easier. Think of the breathing, the lifting, the balance all performed and gained from the '10/10', while you are participating in some other activity. This philosophy travels to other elements in ones sporting performances or every-day life.
“I really like this approach! Focusing on key areas / aspects takes pressure off the race as a whole! Use B races to prepare key areas which should all come together for the A races!” Edward Land.
Be warned, though, mimicking any Vorsprung session from programmes or website videos, is NOT Vorsprung. Vorsprung has to be taught, because what people see and read from videos and programmes are simplified ‘exercise’ processes. Vorsprung is NOT about sport or exercise. Vorsprung has to be taught, by a qualified Vorsprung coach, to know what exactly is needed to execute the drills and sessions to truly improve. The '10/10' more than any, is one of these sessions, that, from the outside people see as a basic drill session. Anyone might find any one of the movements from other drills or programmes, but, never in this combination, this format, with this upper / lower body involvement (at the same time) and with the added neuro-dynamic element.
Being taught it adds values and depths you will not get from videos or written programmes:
• It pays homage to the Brother Colm drills sessions, in both the physical aspect and the 'spiritual' aspect. When you see his Kenyan athletes performing similar drills, it is not as simple as a physical warm-up. This needs a qualified educator to guide one through.
• Variety is the key to injury prevention and stagnation (both physically and psychologically), and this manifests in the '10/10'. We teach its basics, but, we vary the routine in many ways within a group. It grows and evolves over the years with every group and every session. How this varies is subtle and nuanced to the specialised Vorsprung teacher.
Vorsprung is both 'Yes' and 'No', 'Good' and 'Bad', 'Excellent' and 'Poor' - all at the same time… You need to leave the conventional reactions and analysis's behind.
Happy / sad face masks are referred to as the comedy / tragedy masks, or as Greek theatre masks. They represent the theatre and refer to the range of emotions presented by stage actors. Dating from at least the time of Aeschylus, Greek theatre used full-face or head masks as standard acting props. Actors donned these masks to become the characters they were playing. Vorsprung is both the sad and happy face, all in one.
When you embrace Vorsprung you’ll 'see the light'. But, the light will be in the dark and without the light, the dark can’t exist. Without the dark, there can be no light.
Within the '10/10' the participant learns all this and should begin to understand the Vorsprung way.
To progress to other sessions, the participant must, first, master the '10/10' in every way: not just the physical. Because from the '10/10' you will receive your parametres to understand all the other sessions, all the other aspects of Vorsprung and all of yourself.
Nothing is achieved in one single session. You need the Vorsprung gym sessions to complement the Vorsprung drills, which aid the Vorsprung hills and so on. The '10/10' gives all of this in one hit. It improves strength and speed through better co-ordination and balance. Encouraging high knee lift and fast cadence. But, it is vital to all the other sessions as a compliment a necessity and a template.
The '10/10' is the 'face of Vorsprung', because we regard it as analogue. It is about the participant's relationship with both inside and outside. Vorsprung works, because it is analogue…
You can be 'impatient' and end-up an 'in-patient', or you can take it slow and stay healthy. 'The Vorsprung 10/10 Warm-Up' necessitates patience to achieve it. At the same time, it will protect you from injury and being a recurring hospital 'in-patient'.
'The Vorsprung 10/10 Warm-Up' works, because we take time...
© The Vorsprung Project 2022.