7. Exploring: Embedding Session

7. Exploring: Embedding Session

No Vorsprung session, work-out or class is a stand-alone, isolated 'moment in time'. Every participant has their own obligation to listen, learn and embed.

The knowledge shouldn't be left in the classroom. It should seep into the soul, into the unconscious brain. It should become part of your being and instinctively brought into practice.

When we talk of 'Embedding Session', it is exactly this. We are aiming for the participant to go for a run, away from the track, over a variety of surfaces, fixing a steps-per-minutes, stride-length and pace beforehand and putting everything they have learnt into practice.

It needn't be a run. It could be a cycle, rowing, swimming, walking:
any activity.

The point of 'embedding' is just that. To spend time away from the usual rooms or spaces where you can concentrate, simply, on 'embedding' everything that you have learnt.

It is an opportunity to feel, see, smell, touch: to truly embrace Vorsprung.

It is an opportunity to 'embed' the teachings and practice into the unconscious / subconscious brain. We can, also, ascertain if it has indeed embedded. If it has become a subconscious act. From the teacher's perspective, we can look and observe. We can see how much an element is still forced, or how much it has become second-nature.

Much of
Vorsprung's work is about empowering people. In doing so, we do, yes, ultimately un-employ ourselves. But, we, also, give people information to know what and why they are doing something: for their own use and to protect them from negative and abusive exercise and coaching practices.

Being more empowered, with proper information, helps people stand-up and build a movement to change poor exercise and coaching practices.

For 'embedding', think 'empowering'…

© The Vorsprung Project 2022.

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