8. Exploring: Aqua-Plyometrics

8. Exploring: Aqua-Plyometrics

For the last fifteen years, at Vorsprung, we have been experimenting with an aqua-plyometrics work-out routine, designed to compliment other Vorsprung sessions ('Vorsprung Dynamic Gym' work-outs, 'Vorsprung Hill Sessions', 'Vorsprung Speed' work-outs) without losing any in-situ or sports-specific impact on performance.

The results are, less impact injuries, whilst, maintaining a high-degree of strength and aerobic improvement.

Exercising - steady and long with high-mileage, is long out-dated. It has taken us so far in endurance sports, and improving physical health. But, as sports have moved-on, physical improvements are coming from more fringe and varied activities.

I don’t believe in accumulations of mileage,” Bernard Ouma says. “I believe in thresholds in terms of what pace are we doing in this long run, not [how many] kilometres are we covering. And how hard are we working in this long run? What is the production of lactic acid?

Ouma's comment can be applied to any activity. They, also, emphasise the modern way. When you can embrace the modern way, aqua-work fulfils not just the in-water benefits, but, can fulfil and replace the long pounding exercises people do that have such a negative affect on their performances and physical health.

Over-all health and well-being is no longer limited to a jog or swim or cycle. We can engage in any number of activities, as the accessibility of once fringe activities have become more common-place.

Aqua-work was, previously, associated with rehabilitation work. Even in this form, it has taken a long time to become common-place. But, it is, now, being seen as an exercise routine in its own right. As there is an increase in interest in it as a stand-alone exercise routine, with people recognising the numerous benefits.

Vorsprung, we use it more commonly in elite and club-level programmes after a year of conventional work-outs. In-part, to diminish the resistance people might have to it, but, also to allow the participant to build-up some degree of strength in a conventional manner first.

Aqua work-outs, though low injury risk are, nevertheless, extremely demanding. Physically, they require a strong core and hips to begin with to get the most benefit.

Another important factor about the benefits are, that, it is new and so acts as a stimulant. It re-invigorates what, might, be a stale or repetitive programme.

Change can be good on performance.

© The Vorsprung Project 2022.

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