10. Exploring: Neuro-Drills

Exploring Series

Vorsprung's Neuro-Dynamic drills: this is where Vorsprung comes into its physical fore.

Vorsprung Neuro-Dynamic drills, like the Vorsprung 10/10 Warm-Up drills, are multi-faceted:

they aid 'warming-up' and warning the body of any physical activities to follow;

they help to reduce injuries; they enhance brain-to-body and body-to-brain communication pathways; they are used to help reduce symptoms related to Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression, Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, OCD, balance and co-ordination issues et al; they are another entry-level session to Vorsprung's wider physical sessions; and they are used by Vorsprung as rehabilitation sessions post-injury or operative procedures.

However, they are a step-up from the
Vorsprung 10/10 Warm-Up drills. There is the added 'neuro' effect and 'dynamic' effect.

There is alot going-on and they take a massive amount of concentration. Just in one exercise, they challenge your balance and co-ordination (in-doing-so, improving them); strengthens your core; and heightens your brain-body / body-brain communications. You are performing one movement on the upper-body and a different one on the lower.

Additionally, you might be performing a different movement on your right side than your left side, on the upper-body, as well. Plus, counting your steps and breathing in sync.

The benefits are huge.

We have seen people improve within their sports performances and become more balanced in their movements. We have seen people feel better in life, as their symptoms from any particular condition have reduced. We have seen people recognise their left from right. We have seen people gain self-belief. We have seen people enjoy life.

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