3. Two Questions

Vorsprung Coaching Academy Practice

Participants in Well-Being, Health, Exercise and even performance should all ask themselves the same two questions:

1. Why do I not feel or look any healthier?

2. If I am not improving why stick with the same routine/programme?

We see swimmers who swim up-and-down, length-after-length, every lunchtime who still look over-weight and with restrictive pulmonary ability.

We see people going to the gyms or performing gym routines, pilates, yoga who still have the same poor posture, poor strength resistance.

We see and hear people advocating cold water swimming and they look ashen and obese.

It is not enough, simply, to partake in exercise and well-being programmes, you must perform them vigorously, intelligently and with the intention and foresight to look at oneself for improvements.

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