A change of focus:

© Theresa Sharland October 2021.

© Theresa Sharland October 2021.
I accidentally stumbled across a new group and new coach in the local area, whose past was in sprinting and main area of work is in neuro-pathway development.
Sprinting was probably lowest in my list of running priorities before May 2021. One it hurts to do. Two, it hurts afterwards (injuries), and three, all the hanging around doing warm-ups seems a huge waste of time… But, it was a change.
Change is as good as a rest, so they say.
Half of Vorsprung sessions prepare the brain for the task ahead. For short sprinting sessions, this means faster drills and for more measured efforts, the drills are adjusted accordingly.
Furthermore, the neuro-pathways are also awoken by the challenges during and, also, by some other challenges. This might be a short game of football and rugby at the same time… All athletes stand in a circle and kick one football and throw one rugby ball to each other, at random, at the same time. The brain, then, has to concentrate on two things at once and coordinate arms and legs separately.
Despite the obvious slant towards running (actually sprinting in our case),
The Vorsprung Project actually lends itself to everyday activities and chores to help improve the brain and body relationship - especially helpful for Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.
To quote from the website, "Vorsprung isn't about sport, nor exercise, nor even about movement. It is about improving brain-to-body and body-to-brain communication pathways."
Think of that party trick, where you pat your head whilst rubbing your stomach with your other hand. That's similar to the drills, that, we do in preparation for running. After a morning of slouching in the office with blood like treacle, it certainly seems to do just as good a job of warming the body as would a two mile slow jog, if not better, as you feel more attentive.
The brain is taxed to make arm movements go very slowly, whilst speeding-up let strides at the same time and whilst concentrating on breathing.
The aim is for everything to become second nature - the conscious to become the subconscious - just like clutch control of a car!
In my case, Vranek soon saw, that, I don't move my shoulders when I run and I run very upright with my back arched and chest out. My arms were static like a Thunderbird's puppet.
After a few weeks of vocal reminders and drill work, the conscious effort of moving and, thus creating a bigger range of arm movement with my stride, became subconscious.
Has it improved my running?
My sprinting splits have improved, dramatically, in three months. I haven't, yet, raced long distance, so times will tell. But, at least, I will be more efficient.
Secondly, sprinting at age 47, with arthritic knees?
It does sound mad, and to be honest the first six weeks were difficult, as the extra load was making my knees hurt.
The sessions are on grass and the aim is to spend as much time in the air as possible, and so on. The end result is, that, the body adjusts and the knee pain is now no different, certainly, no worse than previous years. I'd, actually, go as far as to say, it is slightly better.
Once the problem was identified, Vranek introduced a third weekly session of strength work which included medicine ball work and some specific balance work (a bit like Yoga mixed with Ballet), which has made a difference.
The running element is certainly tough. Interval training at its best. Maybe, not in terms of quantity of effort, but maximum effort on the amount we do in the one session. The aim is to improve and in time, the best time from week one, is now the worst time as our body adapts. My 300 metres time is, now, 51 seconds. Down from a previous of 58 seconds!
To sum-up Vorsprung.
It should be added to your weekly training programme.
My coordination has improved, and my previous running air and arm swing issues are being addressed.
The strength sessions have improved my core stability, in a far gentler way than HIT or Circuits would do, which would cause injury.
The drills are improving my horrendous memory retention and issues, that, I've always had.
So the training goes deeper than simply physical improvements, but, the mental also.
© Shelley Childs December 2021.