2. Neuro-Dynamic Man


'Neuro-Dynamic Man' (Image)

At The Vorsprung Project, we believe our society's prime responsibility is to educate. In doing so, enlightening and elevating society emotionally, intellectual and spiritually: with an expectation to improve individual's lives and give them opportunities to achieve their goals, as well as, cultivating a wider societal growth towards a more acceptable community." Vranek.

Vorsprung achieves this, by enhancing neuro-pathways (the communication pathways between the-brain-to-the-body and the-body-to-the-brain): alleviating symptoms related to Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression, Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, OCD, Time and Anger-Management, balance, co-ordination, motor skills and proprioceptive development.

People don't have to be far along the 'spectrum' to improve their neuro-pathways. Imagine how clearer one might think, resolve tasks and problems, manage ones timetables and relationships if their communication pathways were enhanced.

Vorsprung is a sponge and soaks-up all the good in the world and spits-out all the spurious, puerile ego-driven rubbish: offering back to the world a reflection of itself, as it could be.

Data Protection: We do not collect or store any personal information from e-mails, telephone conversations or websites (unless we have your consent to retain your e-mail or postal address for further correspondence). Nor do we pass-on any personal information to any third party.

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