2. Neuro-Dynamic Man


Prime responsibility is to educate. In doing so, enlightening and elevating society emotionally, intellectual, spiritually... With an expectation to improve individual's lives and give them opportunities to achieve their goals, as well as, cultivating a wider societal growth towards a more acceptable community.
Vorsprung achieves this by enhancing neuro pathways (the communication pathways between the-brain-and-the-body and the-body-to-the-brain). Alleviating symptoms related to Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression, Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, OCD, Time and Anger-Management. People don't have to be far along the 'spectrum' to improve their neuro pathways. Imagine how clearer one might think, resolve tasks and problems, manage ones timetables and relationships if their communication pathways were enhanced.
Vorsprung is a sponge and soaks-up all the good in the world and spites-out all the crap and egos: offering back to the world a reflection of itself, as it could be.

Data Protection: We do not collect or store any personal information from e-mails, telephone conversations or websites (unless we have your consent to retain your e-mail or postal address for further correspondence). Nor do we pass-on any personal information to any third party.

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