Stand-Out From The Crowd


I turn-up and talk about the wind. I look up when others look straight ahead. I hear sounds in everyday things that other people shut out. It’s as if I speak a foreign language. I do. It’s Vorsprung!
Unfortunately, being independent has its difficulties. Standing-out from a crowd puts one in a vulnerable position. It is easy to live and be faulty in a crowd. If you stand-out from that crowd, you are deemed fair game for criticism, mockery, accusations. Nobody questions the methods, views or life-styles of those in the crowd.
The most successful track and field coaches have not been UKA licensed and most child and female abuse cases have been UKA licensed coaches (as in swimming, gymnastics soccer and cycling)…
Too often standing-out from the crowd creates difference and that in-turn creates fear and fear is bought-out from ignorance.
But, why be the same? Being difference isn’t irreverence it is being unique. Vorsprung has proved, that, it’s methodology and practice benefits people’s lives far more positively in daily-life, in occupational therapy, in rehabilitation, in sports/dance/misc performance and in academia…

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