Case Histories

"It’s a great programme for Dyslexic people." Amritha Nair

Helen Vardy
"I’m Dyslexic, Dyspraxia, suffer from Irlen syndrome and have ADHD."

Martin Koffer
"Neuro-dynamic therapy helped me with recovery from a shoulder injury."

Linzi Mee
"It’s amazing to see, as a parent, and to anyone thinking of joining - I highly recommend."

Ray Wright
"All I can say is, 'thank you'."

Dylan Morgan
"It didn’t take long for "It didn’t take long for me to find out, that, this man was a genius." to find out, that, this man was a genius."

"Would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to improve their physical and mental health, as well as, become more in-tune with their body."

Amritha Nair
"It’s a great programme for Dyslexic people."

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