"We need to learn to re-evaluate the value of art outside of market success."

Ed 2020 Trail Race
© Uncredited 2020.

This is what Edward looked like 6 miles into a 10 miles trail race in 2020. Pre-Vorsprung. He looks like a typical club runner. Fatigued. Heavy downward force evident. Body out of balance from head to feet, twisting and curving like a river.

Typically, he ran with 165-167 Steps Per Minute.

Ed 2021 Trail Race 1 Ed 2021 Trail Race 3
© Line Land 2021.

This is what Edward closing-in on the finish of the same 10 miles trail race in 2021. 24 weeks after working with Vorsprung. He looks like a different runner. More balance running down the body, aided by stronger core. Obvious higher leg lift and tension relief, aided by stronger hips. Higher, floating style gait aided by Vorsprung strength work session.

Today he is averaging 170!

This comes from speed endurance sessions and speed sessions where he is hitting 201-221 SPM, over sub-300 metre reps and 181-186 over 500 metres plus.

Similarly, another
Vorsprung running member (Shelley) is now hitting 196-207 for his sub 300 metres reps.

The result of this change in spm is, that, they are both having less knee issues, using their new found hip strength to lift them off the ground for longer (so less damaging impact) and seeing their speed increase throughout the distances from 60 metres up to 10k.

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