
Vorsprung doesn't go chasing people who have an obvious 'need' for our help. 'Chasing' is a time-consuming and energy-sapping process. We work with people who 'want' our help. 'The teach arrives, when the pupil is ready.'

Acorns & Conkers
© K.Rush

The seeds have been planted. We are planning for the future.

Roll-on Spring and a new world, with new growth…

Data Protection: We do not collect or store any personal information from e-mails, telephone conversations or websites (unless we have your consent to retain your e-mail or postal address for further correspondence). Nor do we pass-on any personal information to any third party.

© 2020 The Vorsprung Project. Website designed by GAIA Designs. Hosted by The Phonecoop and created using RapidWeaver.