Nathan Robertshaw

"Vranek cares a lot and is always there to support me and help wherever he can."

Nathan Robertshaw
Runner, Swimmer and Freebie Player

Vorsprung is not just about exercise, but, improving all aspects of life. I have noticed improvements to my general ability to focus on tasks, such as studying. I have learnt, that, running is a lot about your mind-set and how you focus your energy. Improving this has helped all aspects of my life. I can think clearer and organise myself better.

I am applying similar techniques, that, we do in Vorsprung training sessions to help cope with OCD and CPTSD: allowing me to take control over my thoughts, by getting into a more relaxed state-of-mind. Doing the Vorsprung neuro drills and having a routine before going to bed is, also, helping me to sleep better.

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