6. Exploring: Speed

June 2022

6. Exploring: Speed

It may seem strange to be quoting distance runners and coaches when talking about speed, but, this emphasises how important speed is to any distance and any sport.

If the foundations to improving performance is gym-work, the next session never to miss is speed sessions.

“Long, slow distance running creates long, slow runners. If speed is the name of the game, then never get too far away from it.” Peter Coe once famously said.

Vorsprung's London-based track session, we have had semi-professional soccer players, professional boxers, world-leading Judo fighter, national tennis players and swimmers and runners of all distances. All, wanting to make gains in their sports by adding that elusive element so often neglected: speed.

Speed gives mobility and strength, at the same time. Giving an edge no other element came replicate.

Never think speed works is, solely, for sprinters. If you get into this old-school mind-set you will never improve.

Within speed sessions, you learn far more than simply how to get faster. You learn balance, control of your body, what is necessary and what is not, what to do and what to lose. It strips-back training to its core elements. Reminds people, what is going to improve your performances and give you better well-being and health.

The '
running slow and steady' quote can apply to health and well-being. If you want to remain obese, unwell, carrying hidden deadly visceral fat deposits plod around Park Run, paddle in the sea or up-and-down the pool lanes, or partake in a PT exercise class, pilates, yoga or HiiT class once a week. You won't find quality of health or performance in any of these activities.

As Peter said: “The quality of what you do is much more important than the quantity. Why pound the life out of a young runner when you can develop it with quality?

Seb has agreed: “quality and intensity are key.”

To get the best out of a speed session, one has to be fresh. Traditionally, in a properly coached programme, all speed sessions follow an easy day. At Vorsprung, all speed sessions include a complicated neuro-warm-up to enhance brain-to-body and body-to-brain communications and aid balance and co-ordination.

Once you have strength from gym work and hills, speed is the next element to improve performance for any distance any sport.

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