Here For The Few

August 2020

Here For The Few

Often heard said by sports coaches is the phrase: “I can't be bothered if only one or two people show-up.” I’ve even heard it said by head coaches at football clubs who will, additionally, call-off training sessions because only a few people have attended: not having the imagination to adapt a training session for a team sport to re-direct the emphasis on individual skills and development. So rarely do coaches of team sports get the opportunity to work one-to-one with players, that, instances like this should be seized upon without hesitation.

This attitude, maybe, how other coaches decide whether to turn-up and coach or not, but, it certainly isn’t what we expect from coaches at The
Vorsprung Coaching Academy. We are there for the few. We put 100% into coaching one person, as much as we would coaching twenty people. It is not how many people turn-up that is important, it is whoever and however many - we work with that. Vorsprung prides itself on being different to other sports coaches, academies and clubs and this is an example of how we are different from many coaches.

If one person can be bothered and makes the effort to turn-up, why should any amount of others not turning-up be a reflection of that person’s quality of teaching or a compromise to that person’s full attention.

At The
Vorsprung Coaching Academy, all our coaches make a point of being there for any number of people who want to be coached. When, in the event that we have the scenario of only one person turning-up at a coaching session, our coaches do not hold grudges, nor hold on to the baggage from those that haven’t bothered to turn-up. They are fully committed to and concentrate on the few that are present.

Vorsprung puts as much enthusiasm for sharing our knowledge and teaching into the few as we do for the many. Because, in the end, it is the few who will make improvements, the few who will progress, the few who will reap the benefits, the few who will make a mark on the world, and the few who will feel fulfilled.

So, don’t ever think you are alone. If you want to be coached, and you are going to be there, we have coaches who will be there for you and teach you.

Feel free to get in touch.

If you would like some coaching in fitness, exercise advice or sports specific coaching please contact our Director of Coaching.

James Droy
(Former) Director of Coaching and Performance Director
Vorsprung Coaching Academy

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